I have been fascinated by the making of books after I watched Kirstie Allsop on channel’s 4 programme Kirsties Handmade Britain show. I had a look at YouTube to see what videos were available to broaden my knowledge of my new interest in bookmaking. Actually I am glad I did because when you focus on one way of doing things you do limit your creativity.
For example on Kirstie’s Handmade Britain, they said to use leather as the cover and wax thread for the bookbinding. Even though I loved the final finish of that book, I wanted to try it now and could not wait to buy some old leather items for the material. So thanks to YouTube videos I saw one which simply used several sheets of paper. Ok it was very basic but it allowed me to take that idea and create my own which was to use a greeting card as the notebook cover while still using the stitch method to bind the overall book.
Let me just say I loved doing this, when I had finished my friend said that looks great, please make me one to give as a gift to a friend, so I did. I have always loved being creative especially with my hands but I have to be honest since working on JWGreetings I have kind of lost that need to physically make stuff like I used to.
Even though I still sketch, I really have become a slave to my computer, I know I finish my designs on the computer but you know how it is, you find other stuff online that looks interesting and before you know it its 12 pm at night, you tired and you have not got around to the many many ideas swirling around in your head. So you put them off until tomorrow which is halted by addressing emails, for-filling orders, finishing off designs etc… But once in a while we, well I have to stop and take a breath and give in to my creative urges because they can be more rewarding and this is the case for my greeting card bookmaking idea.
They are great as gifts as my friends have already noticed, now I have a make a few before Christmas. I love making them but I would want to keep then unique so each one would be different which would make them extra special as a gift. Anyhoo below is the final image of my book using a greeting card and also the video.
If you cannot see the video you can view it here: https://youtu.be/vVXq2BfMU9w

Making a Fringe for a Scarf (Knitted or Crocheted) HowTos - Life behind Black Greeting Cards
[…] Cardboard, DVD case, or another object a little wider than the desired length for finished fringe […]