I have been told my iron levels are low. Low like 14 and its suppose to be at least 22.

I don’t eat meat or fish.

I don’t call my self the common names, as I’m fed up of labelling everything I or we do in nowadays. I don’t like being pigeon holed.

I chose to not eat meat, fish and dairy products. Sometimes I will have bit of cheese or eggs but its a choice in that moment.

I am looking to increase my iron levels naturally. The doctor have prescribed me with Invita D3 50 000 iu Oral Solution. An have after a lot of research I will be taking it. I still want to make the foods I eat a factor in speeding up the process.

I also have low levels when it comes to my vitamin d, you can read about that here: How to Increase Vitamin D Levels Quickly


The foods that can raise my iron levels quickly are:


Red meat, pork and poultry
I don’t eat any type of meats, so let quickly move on



Seafood refers to a lot of seafood. So I researched which seafoods have the highest iron content. It came back with “All shellfish is high in iron, but clams, oysters, and mussels are particularly good sources”. The ones with the highest iron I dislike so I will not be eating anything in this area.

I may start  eating mackerel as its has one of the highest levels when it comes to vitamin d.


Beans and Lentils

Again beans refers to many types of beans. So narrowing it down white beans and kidney beans have the highest iron levels. This is good as I already eat kidney beans in my main meals.

Lentils there’s a few, I use the red ones. I have not had lentils in such a long time.

I make a like stew with it which can last a good while.

Each time you take some you can turn it in to another delicious dish.

Dark green leafy vegetables

This was easy to find spinach, Swiss chard, and lamb’s lettuce. I have grown these in my garden. I prefer to grow swiss chard than buy it the taste is just different. But I will be getting some spinach and lamb’s lettuce.


Dried fruit

Dried apricots and prunes have the highest. As I already buy and eat these I’m going to look to making some plant based desserts using these.

That way I can eat more than just popping them in my mouth one by one.


Iron-fortified foods

Iron-fortified foods don’t naturally include iron and other nutrients. They are added back in via the manufacturing process. These foods can include breakfast cereals, bread, pastas.


From the above it’s all about kidney beans, lentils, spinach, lamb’s lettuce, apricots and prunes. Its a good mixed really.

I will update you as I go through all this.

Are you low in iron what your plan to up your levels?

DO share with us in the comments



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