The African-designed printed fabric is a great love for me. I find so much inspiration in the designs and colors used to create them. I especially love it when the fabrics are used to create African garments like head wraps. I don’t wear head wraps often myself but when I wanted to get started I have to find a guide on how to wrap a head wrap.



There is an array of information online explaining and showing how to create your own headdress or headwrap. However, when it came to trying them out it wasn’t that easy. I think it was due to all the fabric they were using.

I did eventually find one which was clear, simple, and used less fabric which enabled me to see all the instructions they were sharing.
The headwrap guide below has become very popular online and has been shared over 9000 times on Pinterest. I hope the following information is as helpful to you as they were to me.



The second is a Head Dress

which allows you to show off some hair.

how to wrap a african headdress 2

All Thanks go to a site called h4d (dot)com which had the best instructions I found. The site offers the basics you need to get started and the individuality comes from you the wearer.








  1. Andrea Cochran

    I would like to be able to thank you for the efforts you get in producing this article.

    1. Janet

      Thank you, I hope you enjoy more of my blog.

  2. Jessica

    I was wondering how much material is being used in both of the different wraps?

    1. Janet

      Hi Jessica,

      I am not sure, but making sure the material can wrap around your head twice and you have a bit left over should be enough to achieve these styles.
      I hope that helps
      Blessing Janet

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