Were you intrigued by my post title, I hope you were I worked hard on it, lol (laugh out loud). I am going to start a series of posts like this due to the many new places I have found online. Now, these places are not from search engine results but from links within other sites. The places I am going to share with you in this post were found via my Facebook fan page news feed.
O.k that’s the intro done, let’s get down to business.
This share consists of 3 places, didn’t want to overwhelm you to quickly 🙂
1st – MondayArtDay.blogspot.com – This is a challenge blog, which happens every Monday. On this day they give a word or phrase and the members illustrate their ideas and then post their work on the site.
2nd – IllustrationFriday.com – Yes another challenge blog. As the URL suggests this a Friday challenge. Same as above they give a topic and you are free to illustrate however you want to interpret it.
Both these sites are great as inspiration boosters, especially when that creative block sets in. I know you are saying I don’t have time, well sometimes we need to find a little time to try something different. At the end of the day, you don’t have to actually take part and submit, you could simply do some sketches of ideas but keep them to yourself.
3rd – IllustrationMundo.com – I am still exploring this site, the main section I see is that it offers a database of artists/designers work and you can submit your work to that database. Can’t say more than that because I need time to explore more myself. I can say that there is a load to see, read, join, and discuss here. I have found some articles that I really want to read. One especially caught my eye and its titled “Does a professional illustrator need a style?” This is actually on another site (it’s the editor personal site) but the links are on this site.
There you have it 3 new places revealed today. Go on check them out and come and tell me what you think. Find anything that gets you really excited, shares it here.