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Various Black Greeting Cards Available
Having black greeting cards provides black and dual heritage society with a means to send a special gift that embraces our culture and reflects who we are. Celebrating any occasion is a beautiful feeling, especially if your friends and family can share in that joyous moment. Receiving all those greeting cards from those you love […]
4 Beautiful African Headwrap Tutorials
Sharing with you 4 beautiful African headwraps tutorials. These are great for when you don’t want to do your hair but still need to hit the streets. PIN FOR READING LATER Sometimes we just need a few go-to headwrap styles that will look amazing without the effort. These 4 African headwraps are shown […]
Ice Skater Design is Reflected on TV
One year today I wrote about my girlie ice skater greeting card design. Also in that post (which you can read here), I mentioned that I don’t see any black ice skaters on TV”. Now 1 year on I am watching Yannick Bonheur and Vanessa James, 1st black due ice skating couple competing in the […]